Finding the right tattoo design for you is not always an easy thing, to help you in your search we have written this article covering the meanings behind the tattoos.
Understanding the meaning and symbols that helped shape and create the tattoo or tattoo genera you are going for can help a lot in making you feel comfortable with the new tattoo and making sure that it is something you are going to be happy with in the years to come. An important consideration when you are looking at getting a new tattoo, considering it is going to be with you and on your skin for the rest of your days.
Yes there are all sorts of removal processes these days but most of you I am sure would like to just get it right the first time and not have to worry about the pain or cost of removal.
So with that in mind lets move on to the tattoo designs and meanings we are going to cover in this article:
1. Water Tattoos
2. Cherry Blossom Tattoos
3. Female Tattoos, and
4. Tattoos of Crosses
Developing an Appreciation for Water Tattoos
Let's begging at the begging with water tattoos although the phrase 'water tattoos' is sometimes used to talk about temporary tattoos for the purposes of today's discussion we are going to take 'water tattoos' to mean tattoo designs involving water.
And that leads to an interesting distinction within water tattoos, for some, water tattoos are all about water and waves and motion and the flow of life yet for others it is about the animals, mammals and creatures that live in the water. Such as Asian style water tattoos with Koi swimming in water or pretty gold fish swimming around with long flowing fins and tails. Or on the more sinister side a crocodile or alligator patrolling swaps with its strong tail thrashing the water.
Sakura and Cherry Blossom Tattoos
Moving onto cherry blossom tattoos for Sakura blossoms, these tattoos are all about spring and the begging of new life. The celebration of new beginnings and the discussion of hopes for the new season and indeed the rest of the year.
Fresh and Exciting Female Tattoos
Female tattoos are everywhere these days, both cute little butterflies and flowers and fairies on girls and sexy females on guys. So no matter if you are a guy or a girl looking for a good female tattoo there is something for everyone.
As for female tattoo designs on guys one of the artists that we love the most is Coop. For those of you that have not heard of or seen any of Coops work, he specializes in voluptuous women, generally nude, in all sorts of forms and costumes. Be it two nuns going for it in a kinky pose or a devil girl striking a suggestive pose using her tail. So for those who like a bit of fun and kink in their female tattoos, Coop is definitely an artist to checkout.
Religious Ideals with Tattoos of Crosses
Tattoos of crosses offers such a breadth of tattoo designs that you are sure you find something you like, whether it is an intertwined Celtic Crosse tattoo or a nice little cross with some rosary beads or an amazingly ornate Crosse with lots of shading work or for something all together different a groovy colored Crosse all bling'ed out with a chrome crown sitting on the cross.
So keep an open mind when you are looking through all the tattoos of crosses tattoo pics out there in the net and you are sure to come across something that has combined all of the design elements that you want in the one tattoo design.