Koi Fish Tattoos and What You Should Know About Them
Once you have decided that you want a tattoo, the major decision is out of your way. Your next step is to figure out just what kind of tattoo you would like to get. There is no limit to the types you can get, unless it's the extent of your imagination or the capacity of your tattoo artist. At this point Koi fish tattoos are rather popular, and you may opt for one of them.
So, what's a Koi fish? It's a very large fish. Related to the Carp. But because of their orange or red color schemes, they are often mistaken for goldfish. The colors can actually be: red or orange and even black, white, and blue. And their size depends on the environment they thrive in. Given enough room, they can get as long as three feet.
Koi fish are mostly found in Japan. The Japanese love affair for these fish goes back a thousand years. They are cultivated precisely because they tend to be so beautiful.
Koi fish tattoos like both good and have quite a bit of meaning behind them. And it's usually a good thing to know the story behind a tattoo you are getting. So when someone admires your tattoo, you can explain the meaning or the symbolism to them. It's a good conversation piece. Here are the meanings behind the Koi fish:
• advancements, improvements, ambitions
• courage to suppress the challenges of life
• determination and endurance in times of crises
• good luck in just about anything
• strength to go up against the test of time
• strong character and identity
Koi fish come in lots of brilliant colors. They also tend to be rather ornate. So if your tattoo artist is a talented one, you can have a brilliantly colored and ornate tattoo inked into your skin. But, once again, be prepared to pay the price of such a work of art.
A tattoo artist can only use a color ink once; the reason for this is that once the needle has penetrated your skin, your blood comes into it. Therefore, the ink left over from your job, must be disposed of. And colored ink is not cheap.
A good tattoo artist will try not to waste any ink; still, some of it is bound to get wasted. So if your Koi fish tattoo uses a lot of different colors, your charge will reflect this. Still, since a Koi fish tattoo can really be a stunning work, the price is undoubtedly worth it.